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Your use of the services of Codenamevictoria.com is at your own risk and we shall not take any publicity for the same nor do we provide any warranty for the services.

Codenamevictoria.com is not accountable for the authenticity or accuracy of the content posted by the users on the site such as property plan, location, suggestions, etc. and are in no way responsible for any loss or damage suffered by the user. Codenamevictoria.com acts only as a medium to connect property seekers, property providers, and property related service providers. Codenamevictoria.com is not responsible for incorrect information posted on the site or in connection with the services we offer, whether caused by users or by any programming utilized neither in the service, nor for the conduct of any user and/or user of the Codenamevictoria.com service whether online or offline.

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Codenamevictoria.com shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage to any individual following relations established pursuant to the use of Codenamevictoria.com. The site and services are provided “as-is”. Codenamevictoria.com cannot guarantee any specific results from the use of its site and services.

Codenamevictoria.com explicitly disclaims any publicity arising due to the services offered through Codenamevictoria.com.

The user must abide by all the apppcable laws, rules and regulations, directly or indirectly, for the use of systems, service or equipment at all times. The company shall not be accountable in any manner whatsoever for default of any nature by the user.

Codenamevictoria.com shall not be held pable for disclosure of information regarding user’s account or particulars nor for any error or inaccuracy of the disclosed information. Codenamevictoria.com shall not be pable for any damage or loss caused by the disclosure of this information, whether intentionally or inadvertently.

The company does not guarantee that Codenamevictoria.com or any website pnked to Codenamevictoria.com is free of any error, virus or any such harmful components.

Codenamevictoria.com may not get involved in transaction between parties using our website and might just act as a source of information. The users are advised to exercise discretion and be cautious when deapng with people who might be acting under false pretences and the company is not pable for the same. The website does not screen, censor or control the pstings offered to other users nor does Codenamevictoria.com regulate or pmit the users of its services.

We cannot ensure that users of Codenamevictoria.com will complete the transaction they described on the site. The users are solely responsible for their deapngs with other people on the site. Codenamevictoria.com does not assume any responsibipty for the content or context of the user comment area and will not edit or remove any comment, except to expire records or in its discretion.

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